Prague a.k.a Praha (2)

Prague has lots of museums, cultural and historical attractions, we managed to visit a few such as the Jewish Quarter, Charles Bridge and the Old Town square.
Here are the pictures!

The short visit to Prague a.k.a Praha (1)

 Hola amigos,
After my short summer course, I visited my good friend Scolah in Dresden. While there, we decided to do a road trip to Prague, Czech Republic.

Wine tasting in Palatinate Wine Region, Germany

Hello, hello...
 In September, I attended a short Summer course in Landau, Germany. The programme was tight and most evenings we either relaxed or toured the Landau city and its environs.

 One of the memorable evenings was the wine tasting experience at one of the oldest vineyard

 Wine production is quite an exquisite process that starts by understanding the best climatic conditions required for quality grape fruits to the delicate handling and grading of the grapes for quality wine. A few tests were done to check on the sugar levels of the grapes followed by a visit to the factory to appreciate the wine making process. 
Finally a few products both alcoholic and non alcoholic were ours for the tasting. 

Problems - A Guest post by Jimmy Daze

I'm thinking any problem has a solution and a problem source ......explicitly or implicitly.

I think that all problems are induced by us humans yet God provides all solutions but we doubt..... and act like we know better!

By Jimmy Daze

Counterfeit Gods - You should read it

Hello people,
I got this book from my sister last month and I must say it is a very good read.

Threatened mammals in Kenya

Hello good people...
Today's post is all about five threatened mammal species in Kenya. I should mention that there are many more threatened species, but the five that I will blog about are critical and currently receiving a lot of public awareness and conservation efforts.

Everyday birds.

Twit twit twit...I suppose that is bird language for hello
So how many of these melodious creatures do you know?

The sad tale of the African Elephant


Did you know?
 Elephants cry, play, have incredible memories, and laugh! 
African elephant

Unique you......Guest post by Jimmy Daze

I believe every human being on this earth is unique and should be given the chance to define their life as they percieve it and live it by their own rules.... 

out of the over 7 billion souls on earth... none are alike...
  you are unique and here for a reason
 ... your personality helps to make the world what it is... out your purpose and pray to God for guidance and direction.

by Jimmy Daze.

Bits of Turkana

It’s been a while since I blogged, let’s see what I got this time.... 

Close to one year ago, I got this assignment to travel to Turkana County…where is that? My international "fans"may ask.

Free compliments

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones -Proverbs 16:24

The power in words can build up or tear down
Create a big smile or produce a sad frown:
So in all your contacts with people each day,
Be sure to encourage in all that you say - Fitzhugh

A gentle word of compliment falls lightly but it carries great weight - Our Daily Bread 2013.

Difference in similarity

We all know the giraffe, the tallest living terrestrial animal with the long neck and legs, distinct body coat pattern, the long tongue and turfy tail. Some also have horn like protrusions know an ossicones.


I had no idea what caecilians were until I visited the Herpetology Section, National Museums of Kenya back in 2010. Since then I have been reading alot to improve my knowledge on caecilians and how they can be conserved. 

Caecilians are limbless amphibians that resemble earthworms, eels or blind snakes.

I want

I pray this year be better than the last,
I want to be a better person, Please help me God!