Zaina Falls (17.01.2015)

To be sincere, I had never heard of Zaina Falls till I came across a post about a day's hike by Bush-Thorns Adventures and Safaris and Adventure Three Sixty Kenya Facebook accounts.

Zaina Falls and River is managed by the Kenya Forest Service. Zaina River is one of the tributaries that flows from the Aberdares and join the greater Chania River.

Having not planned anything on the said day, I decided to join the group. 
I am beginning to think we should charge Bata Hilton for the free publicity it gets from being a meeting point, but I digress. As usual, that was our meeting point. Departure time was set for 7.00 am, but being African timers, we set off at 8.30 am destination Nyeri County-a two hour drive from Nairobi.

Upon stocking on snacks and water, we picked our guide and set for the falls 45 minutes from Nyeri town. The road is mainly tarmacked but gets to a rough road as you near the start of the hiking trail.

The landscape is strikingly beautiful with green farmlands of tea, maize, banana, Napier grass and a few trees species, it reminds me of the beauty that is Kenya and sadly the beauty most of us may never get to enjoy having been born and brought up in Nairobi-the City in the Sun.

The trail is flat and smooth and pretty much very easy with the main challenge being the presence of stinging nettles (Thabai) as they call it. As you trek towards the falls the scenery is magnificent with no human settlements other than the presence of sheep, goats and cattle grazing.
At the falls, we snacked as we got to know each other and story tell. Staying down there too long however gets uncomfortable as it gets quite cold and you get really wet from the showers. I got a bad cold that lasted a whole week. 

 Whats a good hike without a photo session?
Enjoy the pics.

On getting back to the bus, we found a group of boys and one of them had created this cool invention using wood. How cool is that and who said there is no talent in the village? Check it out.

Thanks for passing by.


  1. Mmmmm seems you really had fun gal

  2. Bumped into your blog from Adventure 360 FB page, impressive job on top of the fun:-)
    Waiting for the Aberdare/Karuru falls one..:-D

    1. Hi Luke, Thank you very much .
      I am working on that.

    2. Nice read and great Pics Wamuyu. All the reasons why we hike!

    3. I agree, thank you and see you soon.
