Sede Boker

Shalom, I traveled to Israel to do my Masters four years ago and most of you will ask why Israel? And I ask why not? 
Israel is a very small country in the Middle East surrounded by Egypt and Gaza Strip  to the southwest, Jordan and West Bank to the east, Lebanon to the north and Syria to the northwest (all Arad countries).
The South of Israel is arid land where the Negev desert is while the north is mountainous, green and very fertile. Hebrew is the official language and Judaism is the religion. Driving is left hand. The weekend is Friday and Saturday while Sunday through to Thursday is normal working days. You can read more about the “Holy Land” here

The cliff a section of the desert
                 Did you know in Israel you can’t leave your luggage unattended? 
I finally arrived in Israel, the Holy Land, on 31th 0ctober 2008. A designated taxi picked me up at the airport in Tel Aviv and took me to Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boker Campus located in the Negev desert; finally I was home, at least that is what it would be for the next two years. Settling in was quite easy and fun thanks to Musina, a fellow Kenyan student at the time. 
The apartments
My study in Israel was fully paid for by Albert Katz International School for Desert Studies.  The campus was a graduate’s only campus (Masters, PhD students and a few Postdoc candidates) with approximately 150 students from all over the world.

The Auditorium

With neither tuition fees nor living cost to think about, I had plenty of time to tour Jerusalem, Haifa (the port city), the Dead Sea, Eilat, Hulla Valley, and the Golan Heights organized by the student leaders. I also toured Sea of Galilee, Capharnum,  the Jordan River, Nazareth and Jericho all in the company of a lovely Ghanaian lady, Lydia.

With my Peruvian friend Diana at the Dead Sea

With Lydia at Capharnaum
Some ruins at Capharnaum
I enjoyed pita bread, humus, Shawarma, falafel, great wine, olives, dates and fruits.
Wonna find out how my study in the holy land was? Let’s meet here next time!

Pictures by Ada Ezeokoli.

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